Absolutely adore everything. The net bags make it super easy to use. We've incorporated this into our regular cloth nappy system and it has added absolutely no effort.
We bought only the 25 packs to see if we need more. And with only our boy, we've definitely not needed any more, with washing every second day.
I bought the second clean box to use for messy hands etc. Havnt used to much just yet as it's is only 2 months, but imagine they will come in super handy as he gets older.
Also the second bag going out for the same reason. All really lovely masseurs and love the neutral colours.
Love everything
The majority of the reusable Bubble Tea Reusable Cups available in the market have a plastic-base under their lid, taking away the whole idea of being a plastic-free takeaway cup, but not this one! Disposable drinking cups along with other takeaway containers are one of the worst single use plastic polluters in the world. Used for few minutes, discarded, rarely recycled and end up in landfill or our waterways.
Plastic is not just adversely impacting the environment, but at every stage of its lifecycle, plastic poses distinct risks to human health, arising from both exposure to plastic particles themselves and associated chemicals.
The solution to plastic problem is switching to good quality reusables, that are good for us and the planet.
The majority of the reusable Bubble Tea Reusable Cups available in the market have a plastic-base under their lid, taking away the whole idea of being a plastic-free takeaway cup, but not this one! Disposable drinking cups along with other takeaway containers are one of the worst single use plastic polluters in the world. Used for few minutes, discarded, rarely recycled and end up in landfill or our waterways.
Plastic is not just adversely impacting the environment, but at every stage of its lifecycle, plastic poses distinct risks to human health, arising from both exposure to plastic particles themselves and associated chemicals.
The solution to plastic problem is switching to good quality reusables, that are good for us and the planet.